A payday loan is a small loan, typically between $100-$1500, that is is used to help a borrower's unexpected expenses such as bill payments, car repairs, household emergency repairs or other financial emergencies. Payday loans can be a great short-term source of emergency cash, but need to be repaid when the next paycheck arrives.
It depends on a few factors such as your income and employment history. We may provide you with up to $1500. Once approved, the money can be wired straight into your bank account or you can pick up a check at the store.
A few requirements must be met in order to receive a payday loan:
○ You must be at least 18 years of age.
○ You must have a bank account with good standing.
○ You must have a regular income of at least $400 per month.
Prior bankruptcy, a poor credit history or charge-offs do not automatically disqualify you - you may still apply for a payday loan.
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Yes. We use 256 bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption technology to
safely transmit your data.
Please Borrow Responsibly - Short-term cash loans are not intended for long-term financial needs.